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Food Photography


The final project of the last photography class I am taking

Just messing around with some food around the house for a school project. This project marks the final project of the last photography class I am taking at IPFW. After this the only art classes I have is Senior Thesis and a Video class, accompanied by a few business classes. The first photo of Zucchini is a much simpler setup than it may appear. After slicing and stacking them onto a white plate, I set it in the sink at an angle and turned the faucet on, letting it land at the top of the Zucchini (where you can't see it in the photo). Using an Alien B and a high shutter speed the rest was easy from there.

The second image, inspired by my love for baked goods, is of a Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffin, opened in half to show of the spongy goodness inside. Finally was my attempt to photograph Jello. I had several other intentions in mind but if there is one thing I learned, it is that Jello does not leave its intended mold easily. So I ended up photoshopping this Jaws themed image from three separate images, which all in all turned out kind of awesome in my opinion, though it does have its flaws. All in all I enjoy food photography just like most other photographs and hope to find a reason to use these in the future.

food 1

food 1

food 2

food 2

food 3

food 3

About the Author

Nicholas Klein

Founder and visual artist, specializing in all aspects of a businesses presence from imagery and video to graphics and web. A graduate of IPFW with a Bachelor in Fine Arts, Concentration Photography as well as an Associates Degree in Business. His personal photography works are focused on landscape, travel, and aerial photography.